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banking terms

  ✍️ CRR Cash Reserve Ratio is the minimum fraction of total deposits of a bank’s customers that banks have to hold as reserves with the central bank. ✍️ SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to the net demand and time liabilities. ✍️ LAF Liquid Adjustment Facility is a tool to allow banks to borrow money through repurchase agreements. It consists of repo and reverse repo operations. ✍️ MSF Marginal Standing Facility allows scheduled banks to borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities. ✍️ MSS Market Stabilization Scheme is a monetary policy intervention by RBI to withdraw excess liquidity by selling government securities in the economy. ✍️ OMO Open Market Operations refers to the buying and selling of government securities in the open market so as to expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system. ✍️ REPO Repo...

The summer season is India

1. The summer season is India from the beginning of March and continues up to June. Up to February the rays of the sun are soothing and we like to bask in the sun. But in March the season changes. The Sun rays because hotter day by day and we begin to get perspiration. The entire earth becomes heated into his season.

2. In summer, the few hours of the morning ae pleasant. In March the sun does not become too hot before noon, but by April the sun becomes hot by 9 a.m.

3. The sun become very hot by noon in May and June and scorching winds also begin to blow. They it becomes very troublesome. People cannot come out of their homes and all work remains suspended till evening. They cannot work even inside their houses because of heat. Moreover, they do not feel energetic and a sort of dullness comes over them. They feel sleepy in the afternoon. They shut all doors and take rest in the coolest part of the building.

4. People do not get relief even in the evening and at night. They cannot sleep comfortably at night on account of heat.

5. Summer causes inconvenience in many other ways. The hot wind causes much thirst, but people cannot get cool water. Rivers and ponds dry up and cause scarcity of water. It adds to the difficulty of the people. Their throats and run from place to place in search of water. Many people, birds, and beasts die as a result of sunstrokes. Many fatal diseases, such as cholera, small-pox, etc. break out in the summer season.

6. People in towns have got many amenities which are not available to the villagers. Therefore, townsmen can reduce the discomforts of summer to a great extent, if they can afford to spend money. In towns, people get electric fan to cool them and ice of quench their thirst.

7. In spite of these disadvantages the farmers welcome the summer, because it brings the clouds which give them rain. Through we dislike the heat and dust of the summer; we await it anxiously because we get sweet mangoes during this season.


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banking terms

  ✍️ CRR Cash Reserve Ratio is the minimum fraction of total deposits of a bank’s customers that banks have to hold as reserves with the central bank. ✍️ SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to the net demand and time liabilities. ✍️ LAF Liquid Adjustment Facility is a tool to allow banks to borrow money through repurchase agreements. It consists of repo and reverse repo operations. ✍️ MSF Marginal Standing Facility allows scheduled banks to borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities. ✍️ MSS Market Stabilization Scheme is a monetary policy intervention by RBI to withdraw excess liquidity by selling government securities in the economy. ✍️ OMO Open Market Operations refers to the buying and selling of government securities in the open market so as to expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system. ✍️ REPO Repo...


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