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banking terms

  ✍️ CRR Cash Reserve Ratio is the minimum fraction of total deposits of a bank’s customers that banks have to hold as reserves with the central bank. ✍️ SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to the net demand and time liabilities. ✍️ LAF Liquid Adjustment Facility is a tool to allow banks to borrow money through repurchase agreements. It consists of repo and reverse repo operations. ✍️ MSF Marginal Standing Facility allows scheduled banks to borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities. ✍️ MSS Market Stabilization Scheme is a monetary policy intervention by RBI to withdraw excess liquidity by selling government securities in the economy. ✍️ OMO Open Market Operations refers to the buying and selling of government securities in the open market so as to expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system. ✍️ REPO Repo...

Religious Life of Aryans

The Aryan people worshiped several gods and goddesses. In the religious scriptures, Rudra is termed as the great God and he is also called Shiva who is worshiped even up to this age by the common people.

 The religious spirit behind the worship and devotion of the people has undergone a revolutionary change in the Later Vedic Period. The Brahmin class coined new and elaborate ceremonies and sacrifices where as many as 17 priests would be required and the ceremonies would take several years to be completed.

There were many elaborate instructions as how to perform a good sacrificial ceremony to please god and there were indications that any shortcoming in the sacrifice would displease the gods and would entail their wrath upon the sacrifice. Thus, the Brahmins made their position very strong in the society.

Since, the Brahmins got themselves detached from the worldly cares, as their source of income was practically guaranteed from the Vaishya class and the royal patron, they actually devoted themselves to the service of the literature and logic and philosophy.

The Upanishads are full of high metaphysical philosophy wherein discussion of Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, etc. has been made in great details. The philosophers believed in Atman or Brahmin, the Creator and the Supporter of the world who was omnipotent and omnipresent. It is for the first time that we hear of transmigration of soul and the circle of birth and rebirth. This naturally led to greater emphasis on a pure life as it was upon the Karma of man that his future life would depend. The good or bad acts of a man would affect his future birth and this proved instigation for the people to lead a very pious life so that a better future birth may be guaranteed. By better rebirth they could hope, in the end, to have mukti or nirvana.

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banking terms

  ✍️ CRR Cash Reserve Ratio is the minimum fraction of total deposits of a bank’s customers that banks have to hold as reserves with the central bank. ✍️ SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to the net demand and time liabilities. ✍️ LAF Liquid Adjustment Facility is a tool to allow banks to borrow money through repurchase agreements. It consists of repo and reverse repo operations. ✍️ MSF Marginal Standing Facility allows scheduled banks to borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities. ✍️ MSS Market Stabilization Scheme is a monetary policy intervention by RBI to withdraw excess liquidity by selling government securities in the economy. ✍️ OMO Open Market Operations refers to the buying and selling of government securities in the open market so as to expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system. ✍️ REPO Repo...


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