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banking terms

  ✍️ CRR Cash Reserve Ratio is the minimum fraction of total deposits of a bank’s customers that banks have to hold as reserves with the central bank. ✍️ SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to the net demand and time liabilities. ✍️ LAF Liquid Adjustment Facility is a tool to allow banks to borrow money through repurchase agreements. It consists of repo and reverse repo operations. ✍️ MSF Marginal Standing Facility allows scheduled banks to borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities. ✍️ MSS Market Stabilization Scheme is a monetary policy intervention by RBI to withdraw excess liquidity by selling government securities in the economy. ✍️ OMO Open Market Operations refers to the buying and selling of government securities in the open market so as to expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system. ✍️ REPO Repo...

Books and Authors

 (Books and Authors)

A Million Mutinies NowV.S. Naipaul
A Bend in the RiverV.S. Naipaul
A Brush with LifeSatish Gujral
A Passage to EnglandNirad C. Choudhury
A House for Mr. BiswasV.S. Naipaul
A Prisoner’s ScrapbookL.K. Advani
A River SutraGita Mehta
A Call to HonourJaswant Singh
A Sense of TimeH.S. Vatsyayan
A Strange and Sublime AddressAmit Chaudhary
A Bunch of Old LetterJawaharlal Nehru
A Suitable BoyVikram Seth
A Village by the SeaAnita Desai
Agni VeenaKazi Nazrul Islam
A Voice for FreedomA Voice for Freedom
Afternoon RaagAmit Chaudhari
Ain-i-AkbariAbdul Fazal
Ageless Body, Timeless MindDeepak Chopra
AK BarnamaAbdul Fazal
Amar KoshAmar Singh
An AutobiographyJawaharlal Nehru
All the Prime Minister’s MenJanardhan Thakur
An Equal MusicVikram Seth
An Idealist View of LifeDr. S. Radhakrishnan
AnandmathBankim Chandra Chatterjee
An AutobiographyJawaharlal Nehru
Autobiography of an Unknown IndiaNirad C. Choudhury
Bandicoot RunManohar Malgonkar
Beginning of the BeginningBhagwan Shri Rajneesh
Beyond Modernisation, Beyond SelfSisir Kumar Ghose
Bhagvad GitaS. Radhakrishnan
Border and Boundaries; women in India’s PartitionRitu Menon & Kamla Bhasin
Bharat BharatiMaithili Saran Gupt
Breaking the SilenceBreaking the Silence
Bride and the Sahib and the Other StoriesKhushwant Singh
Broken WingsSarojini Naidu
BubbleMulk Raj Anand
The Bread, Beanty and RevolutionKhwaja Ahmad Abbas
By God’s DecreeKapil Dev
ChemmeenThakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
ChitraRabindranath Tagore
Circle of ReasonAmitav Ghosh
Circle of SileancePreeti Singh
Clear Light of DayAnita Desai
Confessions of a LoverMulk Raj Anand
Conquest of SelfMahatma Gandhi
CoolieMulk Raj Anand
Court DancerRabindranath Tagore
Crescent MoonRabindranath Tagore
Days of My YearsH.P. Nanda
Death of a CityAmrita Pritam
DevdasSharat Chandra Chatterjee
Discovery of IndiaJawaharlal Nehru
Distant DrumsDistant Drums
Divine LifeSwami Sivananda
Durgesh NandiniBankim Chandra Chatterjee
Dynamics of Social ChangeChandra Shekhar
Eight LivesRajmohan Gandhi
Rajmohan GandhiUpamanyu Chatterjee
Essays on GitaSri Aurobindo Ghosh
Eternal HimalayasEternal Himalayas
Faces of EverestMajor H.P.S. Ahluwalia
Foreign Policy of IndiaI.K. Gujral
Forty-Nine DaysAmrita Pritam
From Rajpath to LokpathVijaya Raje Schindhia
GanadevataTara Shankar Bandopadhyaya
Tara Shankar BandopadhyayaRabindra Nath Tagore
Ghasiram KotwalVijay Tendulkar
GitanjaliRabindranath Tagore
Gita RahasyaBal Gangadhar Tilak
Glimpses of World HistoryJawaharlal Nehru
GodanPrem Chand
Geet GovindaJayadeva
Golden ThresholdSarojini Naidu
GuideR.K. Narayan
Harsha CharitaBana Bhatta
HarvestManjula Padmanabhan
Heir ApparentDr. Karan Singh
Himalayan BlunderBrigadier J.P. Dalvi
Hind SwarajM.K. Gandhi
Hindu View of LifeDr. S. Radhakrishnan
HinduismNirad C. Choudhury
History of IndiaRomila Thapar
Hullabaloo in a Guava OrchardKiran Desai
Hungary StonesRabindranath Tagore
I follow the MahatmaK.M. Munshi
IdolsSunil Gavaskar
India DividedRajendra Prasad
India UnboundGurucharan Das
India of Our DreamsM.V. Kamath
ndia Wins Freedomndia Wins Freedom
India’s Priceless HeritageN.A. Palkhivala
Indian PhilosophyDr. S. Radhakrishnan
Inscrutable AmericansAnurag Mathur
Ignited MindsA.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Interpreter of MaladiesJhumpa Lahin
It’s Always PossibleKiran Bedi
Jai SomnathK.M. Munshi
Junglee GirlGinu Kamani
Kagaz Te KanwasAmrita Pritam
KamasutraS.H. Vatsayayan
KanthapuraRaja Rao
Kapala KundalaBankim Chandra Chatterjee
Kashmir: A Tale of ShameHari Jaisingh
Kashmir: A Tragedy of ErrorsTalveen Singh
KayarThakazhi Sivasankara PillaiKitni Nawon Kitni Bar
KamayaniJai Shankar Prasad
Kumar SambhavaKalidas
Last BurdenUpamanyu Chatterjee
LipikaRabindranath Tagore
Life DivineSri Aurbindo Ghosh
Lost ChildMulk Raj Anand
Mulk Raj AnandR.K. Narayan
My DaysR.K. Narayan
My IndiaS. Nihal Singh
My Life and TimesV.V. Giri
My Music, My LifePt. Ravi Shankar
My Presidential YearsR. Venkatraman
My TruthIndira Gandhi
New Dimensions of India’s Foreign PolicyA.B. Vajpayee
NisheethUma Shankar Joshi
Operation Bluestar: The True StoryLt. Gen K.S. Brar
Our Films, Their FilmsSatyajit Ray
Painter of SignsR.K. Narayan
PanchatantraVishnu Sharma
Past ForwardG.R. Narayanan
Pather PanchaliBibhuti Bhushan
Plain SpeakingN. Chandrababu Naidu
Portrait of IndiaVed Mehta
Post OfficeRabindranath Tagore
Prem PachisiMunshi Prem Chand
Ram Charita ManasTulsidas
RamayanaMaharishi Valmiki
RanghbhoomiPrem Chand
RatnavaliHarsha Vardhan
Ravi Paar (Across the Ravi)Gulzar
Red Earth and Pouring RainVikram Chandra
Ritu SamharaKalidas
SaketMaithili Sharan Gupt
Maithili Sharan GuptArun Shorie
Seven SummersMulk Raj Anand
Shadow from LadakhBhabhani Bhattacharya
Snakes and Ladders: Essays on IndiaGita Mehta
Social Change in Modern IndiaM.N. Srinivas
Sultry DaysShobha De
Sunny DaysSunny Days
The Bride’s Book of BeautyMulk Raj Anand
The Cat and ShakespeareRaja Rao
The Dark RoomR.K. Narayan
The Degeneration of IndiaT.N. Seshan
The Glass PalaceAmitav Ghosh
The God of Small ThingsArundhati Roy
The Golden GateVikram Seth
Vikram SethKuldip Nayar
The Men who killed GandhiManohar Malgonkar
The Seven Spiritual Laws of SuccessDeepak Chopra
The Songs of IndiaSarojini Naidu
The Story of My Experiments with TruthMahatma Gandhi
The Strange and Sublime AddressAmit Chaudhuri
The Sword and the SickleMulk Raj Anand
The Vendor of SweetsR.K. Narayan
The Way of the WizardDeepak Chopra
The Girmitiya SagaGirraj Kishore
Train to PakistanKhushwant Singh
Two Leaves and a BudMulk Raj Anand
Victoria and AbdulShrabani Basu
Waiting for the MahatmaR.K. Narayan
Wake Up IndiaAnnie Besant
We, IndiansKhushwant Singh
YamaMahadevi Verma
YashodharaMaithili Sharan Gupt
Years of PilgrimageDr. Raja Ramana

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